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Smart luggage lock helps you access your suitcase with a simple smartphone swipe


LAS VEGAS — Many travelers don’t lock up their luggage before they check it in at the airport, so all too often, items go missing

Of course, there are ways to fix this problem, typically by carrying around a key or using a conventional combination lock to keep everything secure. But considering how easy it is lose keys and forget passwords, it’s surprising that a high-tech upgrade hasn't arrived for luggage sooner.

Startup Digipas launched what it calls the first smart luggage lock, eGeeTouch, on Sunday at the 2015 International CES. With the tap of an NFC-enabled smartphone, tablet or smartwatch, travelers can get into their luggage without fussing over combination codes and dials Read more...

More about Mobile, Travel, Ces, Internet Of Things, and Tech Source: Mashable Show Full Story