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'Hey Ya' becomes Australia's new national anthem with brilliant remix


Australians love an anthem and as our national day on Jan. 25 rolls a little closer, a bit of well-edited patriotism is in order.

Coach Bombay, the music brainchild of Melbourne songsmith Terry Mann, squashed a perfect compilation of Australian culture into a 2:34 music video titled: "National Anthem of STRAYA". The piece is a salute to everything the rest of the world should be deeply jealous of, set to the music of Outkast's tune "Hey Ya."

"You can't pin down Australia in one or two easy stereotypes," Mann told Mashable. "There's so much to it. Such a wide range of landscapes, wildlife, people and lifestyles. Put it all together and it makes no sense. But somehow, it's just bloody great." Read more...

More about Australia, Watercooler, Videos, Australia Day, and Australian Anthem Source: Mashable Show Full Story