Jan. 6 is the day that will go down in history as the day you no longer have to explain the term "flat white" to a Starbucks' barista in America. You will still need to spell your name, though
It will also be remembered as the day the flat white died. A slow, painful, tasteless death.
Bolder than a latte. Meet the new #FlatWhitehttp://ift.tt/1DjdJXO
— Starbucks Coffee (@Starbucks) January 6, 2015
Australia's staple caffeine hit with microfoam, a double espresso shot and a smooth milky finish, has hit the big time. We have finally given the U.S. of A. something besides Iggy Azalea, Nicole Kidman's forehead and Thor. You would think such a moment would make us tear up with pride, instead we are angry. So very, very angry Read more...
More about Us World, Australia, and Flat White Source: Mashable http://ift.tt/1woCESn Show Full Story