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Russia warns media: You'll be blacklisted for publishing Charlie Hebdo cartoons


Russia's notoriously rigid government media watchdog has warned newspapers and news sites around the country: Should you publish Charlie Hebdo cartoons, prepare to be blacklisted.

The warning was issued via letter to the offices of several media outlets, including editorial department of a local Kamchatka editor, who published the text of it on Facebook.

"Please be informed of the position of Roskomnadzor concerning the terrorist attack on January 7, 2015 in Paris," the letter begins. It goes on to state that the "inclusion in any media of caricatures of the religious leaders is unacceptable; placing online media links to other media materials (including foreign), copyright material justifying these events, caricatures of religious figures will be considered as a violation of Roskomnadzor Federal Law 'On Countering Extremist Activity.'" Read more...

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