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Parrot Pot can water your plants for you


LAS VEGAS — It looks like a rather tall and not very interesting flower container, but Parrot's device — simply-named Pot — may be just what your plants crave

This Bluetooth device can tell when your plant is thirsty and then water it for you. Standing roughly a foot tall and introduced at CES 2015, the tall white pot has built-in sensors that can read the level of fertilization, temperature and level of moisture in the soil and notify you when the plan needs water

It holds a full 2 liters of water (enough for 3 weeks of watering) that you pour into an opening on the side

If Pot detects that the plant is thirsty and you have the app set to automatic, it can water the plant itself via an array of nozzles built along the top edge. The app also allows you to water a plant whenever you want by tapping a button. Read more...

More about Tech, Gadgets, and Smart Home Source: Mashable Show Full Story