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How to get Super Bowl buzz for $700


Let's say you really, really want your brand to be attached to the most-viewed TV event of the year. (Who wouldn't?) But you don't have the $4.5 million it costs to air a 30-second spot nationwide. Let's say your ad buy budget stretches to something more modest — like $700.

Don't despair. For that kind of scratch, you could still air a 30-second spot in Helena, Montana — population 29,596. Perhaps, if you make it look like more than a $700 ad, the mere audacity of it will get people talking

Maybe, just maybe, you could get an Apple Macintosh effect (Apple famously aired its '1984' ad just once during the Super Bowl, and the media did the rest) on a Casio calculator budget Read more...

More about Super Bowl Ads, Business, Advertising, and Super Bowl 2015 Source: Mashable Show Full Story