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Headband sensor warns of sports injuries in real time


LAS VEGAS — With sports concussions becoming deadlier than ever, athletes, coaches and parents are looking for ways to prevent what can be devastating head injuries

Now a startup is offering a wearable sensor that alerts players, coaches and parents to head injuries as soon as they happen — bringing to light serious impacts that may otherwise go undetected.

Monday at CES, BlackBox Biometrics is officially unveiling the Linx Impact Assessment System (IAS), an app-enabled wearable sensor that tracks head injuries and impacts in real time

The Linx IAS, which is about the size of a piece of gum, is worn inside a headband that can be worn on its own or under a helmet. It's equipped with an accelerometer and a gyroscope, and connects to a smartphone or tablet app via bluetooth Read more...

More about Gadgets, Tech, Ces, Wearables, and Ces 2015 Source: Mashable Show Full Story