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Finally, a browser for people who have way too many tabs open


The former CEO of the company that developed the Opera browser, Jon von Tetzchner, launched a new browser on Tuesday designed specifically for power users.

Vivaldi is designed for the person who is always struggling to fit all their tabs onto a single screen. The browser, which is currently in "technical preview," still needs a lot work, according to developers. There is no mobile version of Vivaldi, either, for the time being — so the browser is definitely in its early stages.

The new browser offers "tab stacks," which let users group similar tabs in clusters, rather than lining them all up in a single row at the top of the browser screen. A quick-command shortcut system is customizable, and a Notes feature allows users to take notes while browsing and keep screenshots for reference in an in-browser Notes panel. Read more...

More about Opera, Tech, Apps Software, Dev Design, and Vivaldi Source: Mashable Show Full Story