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Booking Now app offers hotel reservations in 'just two taps'


Finding last-minute deals on accommodations is getting easier and easier. The latest tool is an app called Booking Now — introduced Thursday by — that the company says gives customers the ability to book in "just two taps."

Nearly half of the reservations that receives within 48 hours of the stay are on a mobile device, and the new app is a direct response to that demand, company CMO Paul Hennessy told Mashable.

"The obvious trend is that the world is going mobile at a pace that is extraordinary. What we've seen is a new trend in booking behavior, in consumer behavior, in accommodation behavior, and it's led us to a consumer segment that we're calling 'spontaneous bookers,'" he said. "I think it goes way beyond the, 'I missed my flight so I need a hotel.'" Read more...

More about Hotels, Lifestyle, Travel Leisure, and Booking.Com Source: Mashable Show Full Story