Deborah Kelly has been an artist since "the dawn of time."
Well, she's been making collage-based images since she was a schoolgirl in the 1970s. "Isn't that pretty well forever?" she says.
Based in Sydney, Australia, Kelly uses a range of materials and subjects in her work, from a global dance memorial commemorating the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests to a nine-month collage portrait project with 67 people for the 2014 Biennale of Sydney.
Kelly spoke to Mashable about her latest work: stunning collage portraits of three 12-year-old girls. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation commissioned her, along with more than 30 artists, for its new initiative The Art of Saving a Life . Each artist used his or her own medium to explore the importance of life-saving vaccines. Read more...
More about Health, Art, Features, Social Good, and Gates Foundation Source: Mashable Show Full Story