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How to Make Vegan Condensed Milk

If you are vegan, or you are seeking a non-dairy version of condensed milk, this recipe provides an ideal substitute. It can be used with a variety of recipes requiring condensed milk, including candies and desserts.


  • 3 cups soy milk or 3/4 - 1 cup soy milk powder (or other non-dairy milk powder) - you will need it to make 3 cups of milk, so follow the container instructions
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 6 tbsp vegetable margarine (check it has no milk derivatives in it)
  • 1/2 cup sugar


  1. Place the soy milk and water into a heavy-based saucepan.

  2. Heat to boiling point.

  3. Heat the margarine in a separate pan. Add the sugar and mix with a wooden spoon.

  4. Pour in the hot milk mixture when the sugar has dissolved.

  5. Add a pinch of salt. Mix well.

  6. Continue to boil gently, stirring frequently, for another 5 minutes, or until it thickens a little.

  7. Remove from heat and leave to cool. The vegan condensed milk is now ready for use as wished.

  8. Finished.

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