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How to Calculate How Much Money You Need to Retire

Most people look forward to retirement. This is a period of life in which you can step away from the grind of daily employment and follow your dreams. In a perfect world, everyone would be able to retire without worry or regret. Unfortunately, many people fail to prepare financially. To get started, you’ll need to figure how much money you are likely to need for retirement.


EditCalculating How Much Money You'll Need

  1. Determine basic living expenses. An important first step is to determine the amount necessary to cover basic living expenses each year. There are different perspectives on how much this will be.
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    • Some experts believe you should simply calculate your current expenses. Then, expect you'll need about the same amount to live on once you retire. From this perspective, the amount you need each year will be about the same as you need now.[1]
    • Others believe that many retired people can live on about 65 percent of their working income. This assumes that you have paid off your house and you aren't expecting to retire in luxury.[2]
    • Whichever approach you opt for, you'll need to add up all the routine necessities of living. This should include:
      • Any housing costs you expect to have after retirement
      • Average monthly utilities (e.g. water, electricity, gas, etc.)
      • Food and clothing
      • Transportation
      • Insurance
      • Any other monthly bill you still expect to pay after retiring (e.g. cable or internet)
    • Here's an example. Let's say Bill and Sally have already paid off their mortgage, but they pay $500 dollars a month in property taxes. Their average monthly utilities come to $300. They also spend $350 dollars a month on food and clothing. Their costs for transportation come in the form of auto insurance, gas, and routine maintenance. This totals about $400 a month. Their health insurance is another $800 a month. Their cable and internet is another $150 a month. All together, their monthly cost for basic living expenses is $2,500. Annually, that's $30,000. This only covers the most basic expenses.
  2. Calculate extra expenses. Many people have plans to pursue new interests or hobbies during retirement. Many parents have continuing financial responsibilities for disabled children. Others have health problems that will add expenses. You should include these future costs in your projected retirement income need.
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    • Add the extra costs that you might face during retirement to your base retirement need. Here are some examples:
      • Andy and Mary recognize that, due to family history, one or the other is likely to need long-term nursing care. As a consequence, they intend to fund an extra $1000 per month during retirement into savings for those costs. This decision will add $12,000 per year to their projected base living expense.
      • Bill likes to restore American automobiles manufactured before 1960. He anticipates that his travel, tools, and expenses will run $2000 per month. This will add $24,000 to his projected base living expense.
      • Sally likes to take her grandchildren to a major theme park for a weekend every year. The total cost is $720, which will need to be added to the base expenses figure. This may not seem like much, but if she doesn't budget for it, she might not be able to do take them next year.
  3. Include travel expenses. Many retirees want to see the world in their free time. If this is something important to you, you'll need to add this to your monthly cost estimates as well.
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    • For example, imagine your basic expenses are $48,000 per year. If you wish to travel at a cost of $12,000 annually, your total retirement income need will be $60,000.
    • Be as specific in your estimates as you can. If you and your spouse intend to travel, what is the likely annual cost? Are you more likely to spend $50 a day in out of pocket expenses or $200 a day? Will you travel 30 days a year or 180 days? Will your normal living costs at your home base decline if you are traveling? If so, by how much? Consider this example:
      • Jean and Ed figured that they could live comfortably in their motorhome for $100 per day. This included fuel, upkeep, food, and other travel expenses. They expect to travel during coldest days of the year when snow is on the ground, or about 120 days per year. While they are traveling away from home, their base expenses will decline 15%. The estimated costs of their travel will be $12,000 annually. This will be slightly offset by at-home savings of $350 per month for the three months they are traveling, or $1150. The net costs of their travel will be an addition of $10,850 to their base budget.
      • Bill and Sally want to take a trip to visit their children on the east coast every year. Their plane tickets are about $1,200 dollars. They can stay with their kids, so they only spend about $50 a day during week-long trip. That comes to $1,550.This figure would be added to their base budget.
  4. Recognize the impact of inflation. Inflation will reduce the value of the money you save. You must consider this in your calculations.[3]
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    • Imagine you've estimated that you'll need $60,000 a year for retirement. If you're not retiring for another 15 years or so, then $60,000 won't be enough.
    • You can calculate how much more money you'll need in 15 years by multiplying your annual need by the rate of inflation, raised to the fifteenth power. If we assume a conservative projection of 2 percent per year, that means in our example you'd multiply 60,000 by 2 to the 15th power.
    • Many online retirement calculators will compensate for inflation. Using one of these tools is strongly recommended.
    • You can also calculate how much you will need in an Excel spreadsheet. The formula is POWER((1+expected percent of inflation), number of years into the future)*today’s retirement income goal. In our example, the formula in the cell of the spread sheet would appear as POWER(1.02,15)*60000. You will need $80,752 in income fifteen years in the future to have the purchasing power of $60,000 today.
    • In the last 100 years, the United States economy has experienced 13 years of deflation and 87 years of inflation.Excluding 2009, every year since 1990 has experienced inflation ranging from 5.4% to 1.5%.[4]
    • While inflation is likely in the future, its volatility is impossible to predict. Most experts predict an average inflation rate between 2% and 3%.[5] The higher the actual inflation, the more income needed to equal the purchasing power of today.
  5. Consider post-death obligations. Any sums that must be available after your death reduces the amount available to you during your life. This includes any money you wish to leave to a surviving spouse or heirs.
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    • Determine how much money you'd like to leave to each person you want to leave something for.
    • To make sure your wishes in this area are carried out, consider drawing up a will so that your money is distributed the way that you want it to be.
    • For example, Bill and Sally want to set aside $2000 for funeral expenses, and leave another $2,000 to each of their children. That makes $6,000 they need to budget for these purposes.
  6. Predict the length of your retirement. How much you need to retire will hinge on how long you will be retired for. This means you'll need to estimate how long you expect to live.
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    • The Social Security administration provides averages for men and women retiring at different ages. Consulting this table is a good place to start.[6]
    • Take into account your health and family history. Do people in your family tend to live into their late 90s? If so, your prediction should probably be in that range, above the average life-expectancy. On the other hand, if people in your family tend to die young, or if you have already experienced a lot of serious health problems, a lower estimate might be more realistic.
  7. Calculate total retirement funds needed. Calculating how much money you must accumulate to provide a certain income years in the future can be confusing. The best option is to use an online retirement calculator or pre-formatted spreadsheet. If you want to do it yourself, the best option is to use an Excel spreadsheet.
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    • Doing this on your own in Excel is complicated. If you want to use an online calculator, skip this and the step on calculating accumulations.
    • Create columns for the annual expenses addressed in the previous steps: basic living expenses, extras, and travel. Fill in the amounts you calculated.
    • Adjust for inflation. If you haven't already done so, adjust these amounts for inflation, as directed above. This is the amount you will need for a single year.
    • Repeat this process in an additional row for each year you expect to be retired. You'll note that the amount will grow every year as a result of inflation.
    • When you've reached the bottom, calculate a subtotal for annual expenses.
    • Add any post-death obligations you wish to fund. This final amount is your total amount needed for retirement.
    • If this is all a bit too complicated, there are free Excel templates you can download that are already set up for you.[7]
  8. Consider accumulations. Once you know how much you'll need, your next step is to consider how much you are likely to accumulate before retirement. There are number of factors to think about, such as:[8]
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    • The age which you expect to retire. The time between now and your expected retirement age is the period of asset accumulation for retirement. This is how long you have to save up.
    • The frequency and amount of savings additions. How much and how often you save directly impacts the ending value of your savings at retirement.
    • The rate of earnings on your investments. Your investment choices during the accumulation phase impacts the final value. Keep in mind that investments can be volatile, especially in the short term.
    • The impact of income taxes. Taxes on your investment earnings reduces your capital grown now. Taxes on distributions after you retire reduces your retirement income. Both will impact your available funds.
  9. Calculate total accumulations. Like retirement costs, you can calculate your estimated accumulations using an excel spreadsheet. You can do this as follows:
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    • Create columns for your previous savings and annual contributions. Sum your existing retirement savings and anticipated contribution for this year in a third column. You can use the "SUM" feature in excel to calculate this automatically.
    • Create a column that will calculate the amount you expect to earn on your investments annually. You can use the "PRODUCT" function to compute this automatically. For example, if you expect to earn 9 percent on your investments, you would have your spreadsheet calculate the amount in column C times 1.09.
    • If your earnings are taxes annually (e.g because some of it is coming from stock dividends), you'll need to another column where any taxes are subtracted.
    • As with the expenses spreadsheet, you'll need to add a row for each year between now and retirement so you can see how your money will grow.
    • When you've reached the end of your accumulation period, you should have a figure for your total savings.
    • Last but not least, deduct the amount you will pay in taxes when you withdraw the funds. This amount will vary based what types of investments you have. You'll need to look into the details of your retirement plan and any other investments.
    • Again, if this is too complicated, consider downloading a template that's already set up.[9]
  10. Use a retirement calculator. You can create a spreadsheet that includes all factors and calculates necessary retirement funds. But, this is time-consuming and complicated. A simpler approach is to use one of the many retirement income calculators free on the internet.
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    • These calculators are available from Bankrate,[10] the AARP,[11] and CNN Money.[12]
    • They use the same figures described above: expenses, existing savings, and projected accumulations. But, these calculators do all the math for you.
    • When working with calculators, play with the inputs. You'll see the effects of investment amounts, earnings rate, inflation, and life expectancy. This will give you a better sense of how these different factors will impact you.

EditCovering a Retirement Income Gap

  1. Stick to your goals. Many people set unrealistic goals for themselves. They expect that retirement will be the reward for employment. Once you've figured out how much you'll need, set realistic goals and stick to them.[13]
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    • If there is a gap between your anticipated accumulation and your retirement needs, you'll need to increase your savings and investments as much as you can to cover that gap. If possible, you'll want to set saving goals that bring your accumulations in line with your needs (or as close as possible). But, you need to do this while still allowing yourself to live comfortably in the remaining years before retirement.
    • If you spend all that you earn and fail to invest, the only retirement benefit you will receive will be Social Security. To have a chance at a comfortable, worry-free retirement, you should start saving as much as possible as soon as possible.
    • You can enjoy your retirement fully if you discipline your spending and defer gratification from time to time. Building a large retirement funds is a matter of developing a habit of saving a part of every dollar you earn for a long period of time.
  2. Understand your Social Security Benefits. Most working Americans born after 1960 are entitled to receive a monthly retirement benefit after age 67. The benefit you'll receive depends on the amount and number of years over which you paid FICA taxes.[14]
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    • Social Security payments reduce the amount that you would otherwise need to provide yourself.
    • Go to the Social Security Retirement Estimator to learn what your projected monthly benefit will be.[15]
    • Your benefits will continue as long as you live and may be available to your spouse under certain conditions.
    • Social Security benefits increase each year to account for inflation.[16] The rate of increase has been less than the actual inflation experienced, but this is still helpful.
    • For example, Joe is entitled to $1850 per month from Social Security for his own account. His wife Mary will receive a spousal benefit equal to 50% of his amount of $925.00. Together, Joe and Mary will receive a total of $2725 each month from Social Security.
  3. Use tax-deferred retirement programs. Most workers take part in employer-provided 401(k) plans or IRAs. These are tax-advantaged plans that allow you to deduct contributions for income tax calculations. The principal will grow, tax-deferred, until withdrawn from the plans.[17]
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    • Income taxes on these funds will be due when withdrawn, preferably after retiring.
    • Roth 401(k)s and IRAs contributions are not deductible, withdrawals are tax free.[18]
    • The final value of retirement plans can be difficult to project. But, you should contribute as much as possible into such plans. This is especially important an employer matches all or part of your contribution.
    • For example, contributing $5,000 per year for 20 years at an earning rate of 5% will result in an ending balance of of $173,596. Increasing the contribution amount or the earning rate for a longer period of time will add more capital.
  4. Invest wisely. In addition to investments through employer plans and traditional savings accounts, it's a good idea to make some other investments to provide for your retirement. For example:
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    • Open an individual retirement account (IRA). You can buy either a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA. The money that you invest in a traditional IRA isn't taxed until you retire. You'll pay income taxes on the money when you withdraw it from your retirement account. Money paid into a Roth IRA is taxed now. So when you withdraw if from your retirement account later, you won't have to pay taxes on it. If you withdraw your money before you're 59-1/2, then you're going to lose a lot of it to penalties and income tax.[19]
    • Invest in mutual funds. Some of the simplest mutual funds are called index funds. They track the performance of an investment index, like the S&P 500. Index funds are great if you want to put your money in securities (stocks) for a long-term investment..
    • Consider exchange traded funds. ETFs work like mutual funds, but are bought ans old like stock. This makes them more volatile. They also are more tax-efficient, however, and often have lower fees.[20]
    • Buy some bonds. Bonds are low risk: they tend to be more stable than securities or stocks. Consider treasury bonds. U.S. government treasuries are some of the most secure investments in the world. You can buy them through Treasury Direct or through your bank or broker.[21]
    • Municipal bonds are another good option. Many towns and cities issue bonds to pay for big expenses such as school buildings or infrastructure improvements. These bonds can make great investments for your portfolio.[22] The rate paid on municipal bonds is less than that paid on other government or corporate bonds, due to their tax-exempt status. An investor in municipal bonds must be sure that the taxes saved make up for the difference in rate.
    • Redistribute your portfolio as you get older. If you're young, then you should have the majority of your money in stocks and mutual funds. They come with a higher risk, but also a higher return. As you get older, you should move more of your money into bonds and cash to protect your investment values.[23]
  5. Increase your personal savings rate. Choosing to consume less and save more will have significant effects on the lifestyle you can enjoy at retirement.
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    • Start saving and investing as much as you can today. Increase saving as your income increases. You can increase saving further as your familial obligations, such as raising children, decrease.
    • For example, imagine a 30 year-old who invests $300 per month. If she earns the historical rate of return on equities (9.7%), she will have $1,297,473 in her portfolio by age of 67. Increasing her investment to $500 per month will add almost $1 million to the balance ($2,162,454). A 30 year-old who invests $300 per month until age 50 and $1000 per month thereafter will have $1,661,279 in his account. This would generate a monthly income of $9,481 from age 68 to age 93. This income would be in addition any payments received from Social Security.
    • Many of the retirement calculators described in Part One can help with these calculations. You can also create a spreadsheet that tracks your expected contributions and earnings. These, in conjunction with your starting balance, will allow you to compute a final balance. If it isn't enough, you can adjust your contributions accordingly.
  6. Delay your retirement. According to Social Security life expectancy tables, a male retiring age 67 can expect to live another 18.62 years. A 70 year-old will live for an average of 16.33 years.[24] Delaying retirement until age 70 rather than age 67 have several benefits:
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    • Employment income continues for three extra years. This allows continued contributions to retirement accounts.[25] Three years of contributions and growth on the principal can increase the total portfolio’s value by a third or more.
    • Monthly income increases due to fewer years of use. A 67 year-old with $1 million of investments earning 4.8% a year could draw $6,751 for 18.62 years. A 70 year-old with the same portfolio could draw $7,342 each month.
    • Furthermore, many physicians and psychologists recommend working longer for improved physical and mental health.[26]
  7. Consider relocation after retirement. The place we choose to live during retirement often depends upon the location of family and friends. Many retirees, though, are opting to move to places with warmer climates and lower taxes. If you are considering a move, you should consider the following:
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    • In states with a lower cost of living and no income tax, you may get more out of your money.
    • Costs in smaller towns and cities are likely to be less than large urban areas. While San Francisco is a great city, its cost of living is well above the U.S. average. By contrast, Harlingen, Texas is near the beach and Mexico. The cost of living is well below the U.S. Average. Texas also does not have an income tax.[27]
    • A smaller house can be cheaper to live in. Many retirees that move to new locations buy smaller homes than the ones they leave. As a consequence, costs of utilities and maintenance will be lower than a larger home. Moving to a smaller home in a lower cost-of-living location can have a dramatic impact on your financial situation.
    • Health care needs increase with age. As we age, we grow frailer. If you are considering moving, look at the medical facilities and services where you intend to move.[28]
    • Foreign locations can be good options. Many American retirees live overseas, at least for a while.[29] Retirees live in countries across the world, with a range of cultures (Thailand, Mexico, France). Many retirees move overseas for a period before settling down in the U.S.
    • A move may mean losing contact with friends and family. This can mean the loss of of a long-term support network at a time you will be most vulnerable. Before making a move, consider renting and living in a house in the new location for three months. At the end of that period, you will be able to tell whether you are ready for the move.
  8. Work part-time. Many retired Americans have discovered that their income is insufficient for their desired lifestyle.[30] Working 20 to 30 hours per week, you can add more than $1000 to your monthly income.
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    • Many retirees turn their hobbies into income. Consider starting your own business for both fun and profit.
    • Keep in mind that it may not be as easy as expected to find part-time employment. Many retirees discover that their wisdom and experience is not as valuable as hoped. This is especially true for those without unique skills or training.
    • The majority of part-time jobs require physical labor and little or no prior experience. Most part-time workers receive minimum wage or slightly above and receive no employee benefits.


  • Retirement calculations are projections of future events. They are based upon assumptions that may not be valid as time goes by. Planning for retirement is an on-going, active exercise. It will require constant changes in assumptions and actions between today and your retirement.
  • Equity investments have traditionally earned at a higher rate than fixed income securities. As a consequence, maintain a ratio of at least 80/20 of equities in your investment portfolios. Five years before retirement, begin decreasing the ratio of equities to fixed income. On the day of retirement, your portfolio should reflect a 50/50 balance.
  • Investing in individual securities requires greater risk than investing in a portfolio of securities. Consider investing long-term in an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF). ETFs have a low cost and decreased risk.
  • Plan for setbacks to your retirement savings plan. For example, you might experience periods of unemployment. Or, you might end up paying for higher education for yourself or your children. If you don't dip into whatever excess you have saved up, you'll come out that much ahead. If you do, you'll still be on track for retirement.
  • Look into your insurance needs. For example, think about investing in long-term care insurance to cover any time that you may have to spend in a nursing home.


  • Be cautious about relying on Social Security benefits. Social Security will replace 45 percent of income for most middle-income Americans. The problem with Social Security is that no one knows how it will change in the coming years as the Baby Boomers retire. Don't get caught off-guard by assuming that Social Security will be there for your retirement.
  • Do not take extraordinary risks chasing the next Microsoft or Google stock. Invest in a portfolio of equity securities for the long-term.
  • Equity prices are volatile. This means returns for any specific period are unknown, especially in the short-term. Since 1930, only 4 of 32 ten year periods had a negative returns. The average annualized 10 year return for the S&P 500 from 1930 to 2013 was 9.7%. The lesson to here is to buy and hold the stocks of growing companies for long-term.[31]

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