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How to Play a Banjo

Do you love the bluesy sound of a classic banjo? Learning your favorite folk or even Celtic banjo music can be fun and relatively easy with practice. Learn how to play the banjo yourself to enjoy its tunes whenever you want.


EditChoosing a Banjo

  1. Choose the number of strings. Banjos are a versatile instrument available in multiple flavors. Among the string-options for banjos are a 4-string, 5-string, or 6-string. Choose which one fits you best based on the style of music you are interested in playing and how advanced of a player you consider yourself.
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    • The 4-string or tenor banjo is often associated with dixieland/jazz or Irish music. You can certainly play more than just these styles on a 4-string though. They offer a great choice for beginners, because of the simplicity of the instrument.
    • The 5-string banjo is the most popular, and most traditional, of all the banjo styles. It is most closely associated with bluegrass and folk styles of banjo-playing, but can be used to play most styles of music. The 5-string banjo is known for its odd fifth string which attaches near the halfway point of neck, a characteristic it inherited from its African predecessors. This is the best option for beginning banjo players, as it offers ease with an extended range of available notes.[1]
    • The 6-string banjo, or banjo-guitar (banjitar or guitjo) has a banjo body with a guitar neck. It is the least common of these three styles and is most often used by experienced guitar players who want to produce the sound of a banjo while continuing to use their familiar guitar fret positions. It offers the widest range of notes but is also the most difficult to play and is inconsistent with 'regular' banjos, making it a poor choice for first-time students.[2]
  2. Decide on an open-back or resonator banjo. Banjos come in two main builds, either with an open-back or a resonator attached. The open-back banjo is exactly as it sounds: the drum like cover of the banjo has no back, so it makes a bowl-shape when upside down. A resonator banjo has an attached back and ring of wood which amplifies the sound.
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    • It is best to make the decision on which build of banjo you want after playing both at a local music store. They each offer slightly different sounds because of their construction.
    • Open-back banjos are most often used by beginners, as they are typically the cheapest option and not as loud. Since they are lighter and quieter, they are often a good choice for learning and practicing. Some traditional banjo songs and playing-styles favor open-back banjos. If you want to play in a bluegrass band, however, an open-back banjo may not be the best choice.
    • Banjos with a resonator produce a louder, fuller sound, with longer sustain, but are heavier and more expensive. If you are ready and willing to commit to playing the banjo for a long time, you may consider investing in a resonator banjo.
    • It is said that the heavier a banjo is, the better the quality of the instrument. However, don’t let that deter you from selecting a banjo that might be lighter.[3]
  3. Find the best action and scale for you. The action of the banjo is the distance of the strings to the fingerboard, while the scale is the total length of the strings from the nut to the bridge.
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    • Choose a banjo with a low action to make playing easier. If the action is too high, you will have to press down on the strings which can push the notes out of tune and put uncomfortable pressure on your fingers.
    • The scale on a banjo can range anywhere from 23”-32”, but the easiest one for beginners to start on is the 26 ¼” banjo. This is neither overwhelmingly long or uncomfortably short, but sits happily in the middle.
  4. Consider other styles. Although the aforementioned items are important to consider when you are looking into buying a banjo, there are a few more options to contemplate. You may consider purchasing a plectrum banjo, which is played with a special pick, or possibly a banjo with a tone ring which enhances the sound. Meet with a local banjo enthusiast or employee at your favorite music store to find out which style fits your preferences.[4]
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EditPlaying the Banjo

  1. Tune your banjo. Before you can begin to play the banjo, you need to make sure it is in tune. Twisting the tuner knobs at the headstock of the banjo changes the length and tension of the string, which alters the sound (the tighter and shorter the string, the higher the pitch, and vice versa).
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    • Use an electric tuner. Banjos require a chromatic tuner, but these are easy to order online or purchase from a local music supply store.
    • If you have a piano or keyboard, play the key on the piano of the string you are tuning and twist the tuner counterclockwise if it is flat, and clockwise if it is sharp. This might be more difficult for beginners as you are essentially playing by ear, but it can help you to know what sound the banjo should make when it is both in and out of tune.
    • For 5-string banjo: the most common tuning is Open G (g,D,G,B,D).
    • For tenor banjo: the most common tunings are GDAE or CGDA.
    • For plectrum banjo: the most common tuning is CGBD
    • Use an online banjo tuner to hear what these sound like.[5]
  2. Adjust your body. It is very important that you have the correct posture before playing the banjo. Sitting in the wrong pose can greatly alter the sound of your music, increase the difficulty, and make it more likely that you will hurt yourself.
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    • Always keep your shoulders up and back, without slouching. This applies if you are sitting or standing.
    • Hold the banjo at a 45 degree angle or higher (many players hold the neck at what is called the eleven, or one-o-clock position, as shown in section 8 below), with the bottom-side being perpendicular to the ground, or slightly rotated upward so you can clearly see the strings.
    • Be careful not to grip the neck too tight because unlike a guitar, a banjo has a rather sensitive neck. Holding it too tight can make your notes go out of tune.[6]
    • Use a banjo strap. Banjos are heavy and often have longer necks than guitars. You want the strap to carry the weight of the banjo. If your left hand or thumb is busy supporting the weight of the banjo, you will find it difficult to correctly fret the instrument, and it will be forever trying to slide away from you.
  3. Get your hands in the right place. Your right hand should be resting above the strings near the bridge, while your left hand is holding the neck.
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    • Your pinky and ring finger on your right hand should be resting against the head of the banjo, just past the first string. If you have difficulty keeping them there while you play, try adding a piece of double-stick tape to help hold your fingers in place.
    • The image above shows left-hand placement for guitars. The weight of a banjo should be carried by the strap- not by your thumb. A banjo neck should maintain its position when you release both of your hands. Keep your thumb straight and positioned on the 'crown' of the backside of the neck, then reach your fingers around to the fingerboard on the front. Hold this position of your wrist while you play.[7]
  4. Learn how to pick. When you pick at the strings using bluegrass style, sweep your fingers downwards using your nail or pick to pluck the strings. For a banjo, you will generally use your thumb, index, and middle finger for picking. Some people pluck with all three fingers (except the pinky), but this is considered an advanced technique that you may keep in mind for the future. Your ring and/or pinky finger should remain on the head of the banjo.
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    • You can buy finger picks to slide on the tips of your fingers. They are like metal guitar picks with rings attached that you slide onto the ends of your plucking fingers, and are responsible for creating a louder sound.
    • Don’t worry about pulling or pushing the strings to pick, as it is unnecessary. The banjo will create a good sound just by softly hitting each string with a lateral, downward or upward stroke.
  5. Learn some basic rolls. Rolls are a term that describe a basic banjo-picking pattern performed in eighth notes. There are many basic rolls to choose from, and they all work by having only your right hand pick at a few strings in a repetitive pattern.
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    • A forward roll is the most basic, and is played by hitting the strings in this order: 5-3-1-5-3-1-5-3. The numbers refer to the string: fifth string, third string, and first string. You see that there are eight notes to be played, so that the roll takes up exactly one measure of music.
    • Once you have learned a basic roll, work your way up into more difficult rolls to practice your picking and timing.
  6. Practice your rhythm. Although you might have some rolls down, keeping time while playing them for an extended period can be very difficult. Practice your timing by using a metronome. A metronome is a gadget that emits electronic clicking noises at a certain, consistent rate. Have one going while you practice so that you can rate yourself based on the metronome’s timing.[8]
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  7. Learn more advanced music. Once you feel you know several rolls, have your timing and rhythm down, and are ready to move forward, look into learning some songs. It may take a few weeks of practicing before you play anything recognizable, but don’t let that discourage you.
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    • Look up famous banjo songs online to learn how to play them. Many music books are also available which teach you how to master some basic songs.
    • You can search for banjo tabs to get music for many popular songs. A tab is like music for a banjo, telling you what string number and fret creates the notes you need. Search the name of your song with the word “tab” to get the music for it.
  8. Practice daily. The most important part of learning to play any instrument is to put in regular effort. To become a good banjo player, it is important that you spend at least thirty minutes a day practicing your skill. It may be frustrating or discouraging at first, but over time you will grow to love playing it on a daily basis.
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  • For the best learning experience, hire a banjo teacher to guide you in learning to play the instrument.
  • There are left hand moves called slides, hammers, chokes and pull offs or push offs that can all be learned as you advance in your skill.

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