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How to Blow Out Eggs

"Blown out" eggs are often required for craft projects that use empty, complete eggshells. Blown out eggs can be preserved for years after they're made; without the egg white or yolk, the eggs won't spoil. If you want to learn effective techniques for blowing out eggs, read this article.


  1. Poke two holes in a raw, regular-sized egg. Eggs usually have one end that's smaller and pointier. Pierce the smaller end first, then the other end (top and bottom). To pierce the initial hole, use a pin or an egg-pricker available from specialty suppliers. The holes then need to be made bigger, so you can get the egg contents out. To do this, you can either keep using a pin or similar tool, or for a very effective method, use two large round nails, one 1/12" (2mm) thick and one 1/6" (4mm) thick. Sharpen the ends of each nail using a file or emery board to create four sharp edges. Make the hole you are going to blow through a little larger using the nail. Then make the end hole slightly larger, about twice the size of the first hole, as this is where the egg contents will flow out.

    • One way to help prevent cracking when drilling the holes in the egg is to place "Scotch"/"cellophane" tape or an adhesive plaster/bandaid on the egg at the piercing point.

    • You can also pierce the egg with a little drill bit in a hand (not power) drill, small rotary tool such as a "Dremel" or twirled between the fingers. Let it scrape down gently, not punch in and snag and tear the shell with its flutes.

      • The bit should be a single solid piece of metal or metal-like carbide, not covered with grit which could contaminate the extracted egg.

    • Feel around the eggshell for any weak spots––sometimes they are slightly gray. If you can't find any, just select a spot near the center of the egg's ends for poking holes in.

    • Grip the egg firmly in your non-dominant hand (but don't break it!) as you stick the nail in with your dominant hand. Insert the nail slowly and apply even pressure.

    • To make the shell easier to poke holes in, try rubbing the egg on fine grain sandpaper to thin the shell. This makes it easier to penetrate the shell using a heavy pin or even a paperclip. The paperclip is great to break the yolk inside, which then makes it easier to blowout.

  2. Reach through the larger hole with a needle, wire, straightened paper clip, toothpick, or small balloon pump. Pierce the yolk and break up the membranes that keep it whole. Gently push the instrument in and out of the hole repeatedly.

  3. Decide how you want to blow out your eggs. The traditional method uses a small straw (like those thin straws you can find in any coffee shop) and air from your mouth, but you can also use a syringe to push air into the hole. If you don't want to use your mouth, choose a tool from the following:

    • An ear bulb syringe

    • An injection syringe (without a sharp needle attached)

    • A glue syringe

    • An "egg blower" (for example, Blas-fix).

    • A small air compressor, as for tire inflation or airbrushing. Attach the blunt, tapered low-pressure inflation nozzle and slowly bring it close to one hole. The egg should be disrupted and expelled without the need to break it up inside first.

      • Check for lubricating oil or dirt contamination in the air by directing the stream at some clean paper.

      • The egg may crack or even explode.

      • High pressure compressed air streams can be dangerous. Do not use a full-size compressor or pressurized tank, place the nozzle against the body or near the face, or allow a child to use the compressor.

  4. Set up a clean wide bowl or jar to catch the insides of the egg. Hold the egg right above this bowl when you're blowing. If you use clean materials, you can save these partially beaten egg yolks and whites for other dishes in the future.

  5. If you want to use the traditional method, hold up the thin straw to the small hole. Blow air through the straw and into the egg, letting the insides flow out from the larger hole. Do this until the egg is empty.

  6. If you want to use a syringe or special egg blower, hold the tool to the small hole in the egg. Push air or water through the hole to get the egg insides out. If you use water, you may not be able to save the eggs for a future recipe. Repeat until all the egg contents are out.

  7. Take a glass of water and pour it over the eggshell to rinse it out. Then take your straw or syringe to blow out the water and any remaining egg yolk/white. Shake gently and repeat until the egg is completely clean.

    • You'll want to do this over a bowl––if you're saving the eggs for later use, set up a separate wide bowl for catching the water, or just do it over the sink.

  8. Dry the intact eggshells. Optionally, put all eggshells in the microwave on high for 15-30 seconds or bake them in 300ºF/150ºC oven for 10 minutes. This may help to make them stronger.

    • Alternatively, you can let them drain (larger hole facing downwards) for 2-3 days.

  9. Done. They're now ready for decorating and placing on display.



  • If you heat blown out eggs too much, they may crack in extreme heat!

  • Remember that once you blow the egg, it will float if you try to dye it.

  • If you want to make the egg a little more decorative, you can take a small needle and poke designs in the empty egg. They won't be visible if you leave the egg as it is, but if you then dye it, the designs will stand out.

  • Use room temperature eggs if you can. The insides will be less stiff and flow more easily.

  • Don't let your eggs go to waste! Once you have blown out an egg, you can still use it to make scrambled eggs and other dishes, as long as you have made sure that your equipment is clean. Cover the bowl with saran wrap, and upside down dinner plate or other suitable cover until you want to use the partially beaten eggs.

  • You can also use a pointed water drop-shaped drill bit to grind a hole.

  • You can make a blow out egg with just these ingredients.

  • When the eggs have holes they are pretty fragile so make sure you handle them carefully even when your done.


  • Be cautious when working with raw eggs as they may carry salmonella. Wash your hands and equipment you've used with warm, soapy water before and after handling the eggs. Pregnant women and those with compromised immune systems are most at risk from salmonella.

Things You'll Need

  • Raw regular eggs at room temperature

  • Needle, hat pin, small nail or a pointed bottle opener

  • Nails with sharpened ends as explained in step, file or emery board

  • Ear bulb syringe, injection or glue syringe (with or without a needle attached), an "egg blower," a small drinking straw, or a basketball nozzle adapter for a bicycle pump (wrap the needle part with a damp paper towel to make it seal with the egg better)

  • Sandpaper to thin the shell

  • Bowl to catch the egg whites/yolks

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