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The Case for Business Case Studies

The Case for Business Case Studies

Black|Line Consulting, an Information Technology (IT) service provider based in Naperville, IL, sought a professional way to showcase their company's combination of problem-solving ability and industry knowledge. The solution needed to inform current customers of the full range of services the IT firm has available to them as well as serve as a tool to reach new prospects.


Buddingh & Associates recommended writing a series of professional case studies highlighting the unique way Black|Line Consulting (BLC) approaches and solves customer problems. In order to provide compelling case studies BLC examined their past successes for solutions that many other businesses might be in need of. The key to a good, useful case study is to tell a good, useful story. BLC found numerous examples of work they had done that resulted in cost savings, time savings, improved sales and increased network security – all things small business owners are looking for. A completed case study includes information about the client BLC assisted, the problem the company was facing, the answer BLC implemented, and the benefit to BLC's client. Case studies are an excellent way to show you not only understand the issues clients are facing but that you have proven solutions for fixing them.

The case studies should not be overly technical. BLC may find that a business owner is looking for a solution to an IT problem, a problem they may not understand all the technical aspects of. They are looking for outside assistance for a reason, a strong case study shows them you can help them tackle that challenge in language they can understand. Jargon should be avoided and acronyms should be written out the first time they are used, followed by the abbreviation. This will allow most levels of reader to understand the case study.

Buddingh & Associates suggested BLC share the case studies through a variety of marketing channels, including on the company website, social media sites, video and a printed version for distribution. Case studies can be effective when posted to LinkedIn Publishing as well. With this newer platform, instead of simply publishing to your profile where your network will see it, you can publish it so all users can reach it via a keyword search.

Professionally compiled case studies positioned BLC as an expert in their field. They were able to showcase the quality of their work as well as the depth of their knowledge. By demonstrating that they can understand and solve problems clients are facing, prospects know that their issue will be handled. They were able to inform their clients of additional services they provide as well as target new clients. Business owners searching the internet for solutions to issues that arise and finding your case studies can also improve your Search Engine Optimization and organic search results. 

About the Author
Jeanne M. Buddingh is founder and partner in Buddingh & Associates, Inc., an award-winning strategic marketing consulting firm in Naperville, IL.  Contact her at (630) 961-4504 or visit

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