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Steps To Follow To Find And Remove Broken Links In iTunes

Steps To Follow To Find And Remove Broken Links In iTunes

Steps To Follow To Find And Remove Broken Links In iTunes
By Duncan Lancer

A dead or broken link in iTunes occurs when the iTunes app can't find the song that you have chosen. In most of the cases broken links occur when you reorganize, add, or remove files from your library. While dead links are annoying, the cool thing is that you can easily remove them by following these steps:

Create a new smart playlist

You should start by creating a new smart playlist. You can easily do this by clicking on "File" and then select "New." You should then choose "Smart Playlist" and ensure that the "Match" check box is checked. You should set the first drop-down to "Artist" and set the second to "is not."

You should then type the name of the artist and uncheck the "limit" check box if it's checked. You should note that you can give the artist any name.

After doing this you should name this smart playlist "All Files" and click "OK" to save. By doing this you will have given the playlist full access to your music library.

Create a regular playlist

The main purpose of this playlist is to allow you to easily differentiate broken and live files. This makes deletion easy and quick. To create the list you need to click "File" and then select "New." You should then choose "Playlist" and name it "All Live Files."

Create another smart playlist

By following the steps we used in creating the first smart playlist, you should create a second smart playlist and name it "Missing Files."

Transfer files

You should open the "All Files" smart playlist to display its tracks. You should then select all the entries and drag them to the "All Live Files" playlist. You should note that no dead links from your library will be transferred to the new playlist.

If you have followed the right procedure, the "Missing Files" playlist will only have broken links. You should select the links and press "DEL" in order to remove them from iTunes.


These are the steps that you should follow in finding and removing dead links in your iTunes library. If you don't want to go through this process you should consider using a software program that will do all the work for you automatically.

To prevent broken links from occurring from your library you should avoid moving your music files between folders after you have added them to iTunes.

If you are looking for a software to Clean Up iTunes Library you should highly consider visiting our website. We have many programs such as: Tidymusic, Leawo tunes, and many others. To know more visit us at

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Keywords: how to find and remove dead links,itunes