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When a food blogger takes a New Year's cleanse


Jacki Wan up and quit the most crucial part of her job: eating

Better known as @weekendbreakfast, Wan notified her 13,400 Instagram followers that she was taking the month off. After weeks of rich holiday treats and cooking, the 26-year-old Canadian food blogger finally felt too full. She'd simply lost her appetite. Oh, the irony.

So, Wan hit the reset button by starting a New Year's juice cleanse. After a week in, find out whether she's rediscovered her cravings.

Mashable: You're a food blogger. What makes your approach unique?

@weekendbreakfast: It's simply a photo diary of my favorite meal of the day: breakfast. I think it's always important to start off your day right! Whether it's a slice of fresh bread, spread with butter and topped with some soft scrambled eggs with a nice cup of coffee, or just a simple bowl of your favorite cereal, you absolutely need it to fuel you for your day. Read more...

More about Health, Blogging, Photography, Features, and Pics Source: Mashable Show Full Story