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What makes someone a good advice columnist?


Amy Dickinson doesn't think herself a know-it-all, and she doesn't pretend to be. That's why she's so good at her job.

She's been a popular advice columnist for "Ask Amy" for more than a decade. She's funny, self-aware and more open than you'd ever expect. Her responses to personal letters reach millions in syndication throughout the U.S

But what makes her qualified to give advice? She's just like you and me.

"I have a bachelor's degree in English literature," Dickinson laughs. "But aside from that, you might learn I have five children, I have grandchildren, I'm a stepmother, I was a single mom, I grew up in poverty ... I've really been paying attention." Read more...

More about Features, Writing, Lifestyle, Work Play, and Advice Column Source: Mashable Show Full Story