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Video of dramatic rescue shows men winched from boat moments before it sinks


Here's the hairy moment from a dramatic episode in Scotland earlier this week, when five men were winched from an overturned fishing boat that was rapidly sinking off the country's coast

This footage shows the coastguard winching a man to a helicopter hovering above the stricken boat, an Irish vessel, which is being battered below by the sea.

Before it quickly swallows up the boat, the men all jump into the water. Despite treacherous conditions, a rescue team managed to save all on board.

Two men were airlifted onto a nearby fishing trawler, while three were transferred by helicopter to the Western Isles Hospital, where they were treated for hypothermia

“The weather conditions on scene were very rough, seas with southerly force 6 winds. Evacuating the five crew swiftly and safely before the vessel went down was a great achievement," the coastguard duty watch manager Paul Tunstall reportedly said Read more...

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