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Vanilla Ice gives shout out to Family Feud host, who loses his mind


Australia's Family Feud host lost it after receiving a personalised tweet from none-other-than '90s superstar Vanilla Ice

Grant Denyer smashed out the rapper's hit "Ice Ice Baby" midway through a segment on the popular game show. He was asking a team to name terms beginning with 'Ice,' when he made them "stop, collaborate and listen!"

Breaking into an off-by-heart rendition of the classic, he was cheered on by the crowd. "To the extreme I rock a mic like a vandal, light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle," Denyer eases in, before getting his groove on. "Dance, go rush the speaker that booms, I'm killing your brain like a poisonous mushroom." Read more...

More about Vanilla Ice, Us World, Videos, Ice Ice Baby, and Australia Source: Mashable Show Full Story