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Tweak your startup hiring strategy: More builders, fewer movers


This article is part of DBA, a new series on Mashable about running a business that features insights from leaders in entrepreneurship, venture capital and management.

My wife is a doctor, and she’s often confused by how I do my job. As a physician, her daily activities are founded on well-researched strategies and highly tested procedures, many of which have been around for decades (and some, for centuries). In medicine, you want as much experience and routine as possible –- if I were to need surgery, I’d want my surgeon operating under the most tried and true methods.

But as an entrepreneur, your daily routine is going to be completely different and often built around the question, “What are the most important things that I need to do today?” And it won’t just be you asking that question — you’ll want your team members to be comfortable with the lack of structure too or, even better, people who thrive on it: The kind of people who might not know exactly what they’re going to do that day when they wake up, but are committed to your vision. Read more...

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