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Tony Fadell’s task: Define Google Glass 2.0


Google Glass is Tony Fadell’s baby now

The beleaguered wearable and former darling of tech journalists and pundits finally succumbed to growing distaste and disinterest. The Google Explorer program is done and, perhaps ironically, the road ahead for the cutting edge wearable computer is unclear.

Fadell, the former Apple employee and father of the iPod and, to an extent, the iPhone, who came to Google last year when the Mountain View search giant bought Fadell’s thermostat industry disruptor Nest, has his work cut out for him.

The selection of Fadell to run the Google Glass group surprised many. Last May, at Recode’s Code conference, Fadell described a mostly arms-length relationship between Nest and Google. No data commingling and, though he held a few regular meetings with Google’s co-founder, Sergey Brin, who also happens to be Glass’s chief champion, Nest was still run as a standalone company. Read more...

More about Dropcam, Tech, Gadgets, Mobile, and Nest Source: Mashable Show Full Story