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The Onion tries to sell Millennials on Obamacare—seriously


Why shell out hard-earned money for health insurance when you can check your own blood pressure with a bicycle pump and water wings and score a free eye exam at the DMV?

These and other health hacks –- make a neck brace out of bubble wrap! -– come from the Get Covered Illinois advertising campaign aimed at so-called “young invincibles,” those 20- and 30-something adults who think they don’t need health coverage.

What better way to speak to that crowd than through digital content from the Onion Labs, the satirical brand’s advertising arm?

So, no, the Illinois healthcare exchange isn’t really suggesting that you troll dating websites to make “an appointment” with a doctor or nurse, or that you MacGyver a defibrillator Read more...

More about Advertising, Business, and Obamacare Source: Mashable Show Full Story