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Tens of thousands protest after president resigns in Yemen


SANAA, Yemen — Tens of thousands of Yemenis marched in protest on Saturday against Shiite rebels who hold the capital, amid a power vacuum in a country that is home to what Washington describes as al-Qaeda's most dangerous offshoot.

Some 20,000 hit the streets of capital Sanaa, where demonstrators converged on the house of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, who resigned Thursday along with his cabinet. It was the largest protest since the rebels, known as Houthis, swept into Sanaa in September.

Protesters carried banners, and chanted slogans denouncing the rebels and demanding the restoration of the president. Scuffles involving knives and batons broke out in one instance in Sanaa when rebels tried to block one procession, leaving two demonstrators and one Houthi injured. Read more...

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