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Pizza Hut Australia introduces vegemite-stuffed crust pizza


Vegemite is good for anything. A hangover, a grumpy a child, a bad day, cheese. Australians don't know how to get up in the morning without a glass jar of the black yeast paste nearby to smother on a bit of bread and devour like nobody's business.

As the rest of the world screws up its nose in disgust at the stinky glug, Australians eat it by the bucket load with a smug look on their faces. It's a party only Australians are invited to. You can have it on a SAO, you can have it on toast, you can have it straight from the jar on a spoon and now, you can have it stuffed into your pizza crust.

More about Pizza Hut, Us World, Australia, Vegemite, and Australia Day Source: Mashable Show Full Story