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New smartphone battery recharges in less than two minutes


LAS VEGAS— Your next smartphone could charge in less than two minutes

Since first showing off the lab-based prototype of its ultra-fast battery charger, the company behind the device has moved much closer to making it a reality

StoreDot, the nanotech startup behind the charger, has a new prototype that is smaller and doesn't add bulk to the actual smartphone. During Mashable's demo, the Galaxy S5 battery went from almost empty to 100% in less than two minutes

It almost sounds too good to be true but StoreDot CEO Doron Myersdorf says it's because the company took a completely different approach when creating its battery. Rather than trying to improve the capacity of the battery itself, the company redesigned the internal structure of the battery so it can charge rapidly. The tradeoff for this speed is the overall battery life is shorter— the battery I saw will last about five hours Read more...

More about Gadgets, Tech, Ces, Chargers, and Batteries Source: Mashable Show Full Story