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Mitt Romney focuses on the poor as he talks 2016 presidential run


SAN DIEGO — Mitt Romney is telling fellow Republicans that he's weighing another presidential run, one in which he would show more compassion for the nation's poor and middle class.

In a speech to the Republican National Committee aboard a moored aircraft carrier, the 2012 GOP nominee says he is "giving some serious consideration to the future."

During his speech, Romney made an artful reference to his last run for the Oval Office and his wife's view on the matter.

"She says, 'I know people get better with experience,'" Romney said, according to

Romney: We’re an abundant nation. We have the resources and the capacity…to lift people out of poverty Read more...

— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) January 17, 2015More about Mitt Romney, Us World, and Politics Source: Mashable Show Full Story