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Mark Zuckerberg defends 'It matters to the kinds of investors we want'


Mark Zuckerberg has a clear message to Facebook investors: If you don't like the idea of, then get out of the stock.

That was the takeaway from an impassioned response Mark Zuckerberg gave during Facebook's earnings call Wednesday after an analyst questioned why investors should care about, Facebook's ongoing effort to make the Internet accessible in developing markets around the world

"It matters to the kinds of investors we want to have," Zuckerberg, Facebook's founder and CEO, in a not-so-subtle dig at the question and any investors who may agree with its sentiment. "Part of the subtext of your question is that, yeah, if we are only focused on making money, we might put all of our energy into increasing ads to people in the U.S. and other countries." Read more...

More about Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, and Business Source: Mashable Show Full Story