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Looking for a new job in 2015? 6 things to do before you quit


Here comes 2015. You know this is going to be your year. As such, you may also know that you’re going to leave your current job for an incredible new one.

So, let’s get you prepared to make that transition graceful and smooth, shall we? Here are six important things to do before you quit:

1. Make those last doctor and dentist appointments

Do you have unused medical privileges that you’ll be walking away from? Or, are your old benefits more robust than your new ones will probably be? If so, consider booking your last checkups and appointments while still covered on your current employer’s plan. (Just try not to book them all across company time, especially if you’re not yet ready for them to be “onto you.”) Read more...

More about Business, Jobs, and Career Advice Source: Mashable Show Full Story