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Know your business: Financial literacy 101 for SMB owners


When does a small business owner first get the hint that they've got to boost their own financial literacy?

"Most often, when they have to file their taxes for the first time they realize, 'I don't know a lot about finances,'" says Rob King, director of Small Business at Intuit, adding that owners often discover, "'I've got an awesome dream but I don't quite know how to do this.'"

About one-third of SMB owners (35%) have this experience, according to Intuit's recent SMB financial literary quiz — these owners encounter just this kind of eureka moment

"And that's where we feel we come in," King says, "to not only create awareness around financial literacy, but also to try to help them." Read more...

More about Finance, Smb, Business, Small Business, and Brandspeak Source: Mashable Show Full Story