LAS VEGAS — The Consumer Electronics Show is certifiably insane. Like the desert metropolis it inhabits, it should not by any reasonable standards actually exist. If you were trying to design an environment that made it impossible to properly assess or even attend product announcements, you couldn't do better than smoke-filled maze-like casino hotels or show floors that are literally on opposite sides of the city
But here it is, a triumph of sound and fury, two convention centers' worth of jostling humanity carrying selfie sticks and playing buzzword bingo, a haven for copycat products and questionable prototypes with the lifespan of a mayfly. Here they are, the red-eyed jet-lagged hordes, gathering from around the world in the most dehydrating, alcohol-filled city ever built at a time of year when everyone's at least 10% sick Read more...
More about Ces, Tech, and Ces 2015 Source: Mashable Show Full Story