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How to boost your vitamin D intake in the dead of winter


Feeling a little gray? Your body might be lacking some vital vitamin D.

The majority of winter days are cold, dark and often plagued with freezing snow or rain — not the most inviting weather for being outdoors. As a result, the amounts of the "sunshine vitamin" in our bodies can fall to dangerous levels, affecting our overall health.

Luckily there are a few small lifestyle changes you can take to boost your daily vitamin D.

First, let's look at why vitamin D is so important. The fat-soluble vitamin does a variety of things for the body, regulating up to 1,000 genes, or 5% of the human genome. You get vitamin D two ways: through food to make D2 or D3, or primarily through sunlight to make D3. Enzymes then react and create the active vitamin 1,25D Read more...

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