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Glassdoor's list of 10 best jobs in U.S. shows health care and tech still rule


Want to get in on a promising career? Think health care, tech and finance, according to a new survey from Glassdoor.

The job hunting and information site compiled its inaugural list of the top 25 jobs in the U.S. The rankings and Glassdoor's "Job Score" are based on three factors: earning potential, career opportunities and the number of job openings. Unsurprisingly, the list reveals that this is a wonderful time to be a medical professional or coder

Here's a list of Glassdoor's top 10 jobs, which are rated on a scale of 1 to 5. For the full list of 25, click, here.

More about Healthcare, Glassdoor, Health Care, Coding, and Business Source: Mashable Show Full Story