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Ebola nurse on her experience with the virus: 'I almost went insane'


More than 8,500 people have died since the Ebola outbreak began last year. While the pandemic has slowed, it has left lasting scars on many countries, especially in West Africa, and those affected by the disease

Rebecca Johnson worked as a nurse treating Ebola patients in Sierra Leone before contracting the virus herself. She teamed up with the World Health Organization (WHO) to hold a Q&A session about her experience on Twitter.

Johnson went into heart-wrenching detail about the toll the disease took on her body and mind. She also offered insight into underreported aspects of Ebola, such as its effects on mental health, recounting how close friends and even some family members turned their backs on her after her diagnosis. Read more...

More about Sierra Leone, Us World, World, and Ebola Source: Mashable Show Full Story