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Did Microsoft just become cool?


Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella set what he called a "bold goal" at the Windows 10 launch event Wednesday: "We want to move from people needing Windows to choosing Windows to loving Windows."

Needing Windows? Certainly, with an installed base of 1.5 billion users, more than a few of us fall into this category. The decision to make you a Windows user can often be traced back to a corporate IT department a decade or more ago. Choosing Windows? Not when it comes to the more personal decision of which smartphone to carry in our pockets, we don't. Sure, why not aim for that.

But loving Windows? That seemed so bizarre to reporters at the event that Nadella had to fend off questions afterwards about whether he could really see a Windows Phone attracting the same adoration from users as its Apple-made rival Read more...

More about Microsoft, Tech, Apps Software, Dev Design, and Satya Nadella Source: Mashable Show Full Story