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Chevrolet developing system that predicts car problems and notifies drivers


Cars already have ways of detecting when something isn't quite right with their mechanics. The "check your engine" light, for example, lets drivers know something is up. Now, Chevrolet aims to take that to the next level.

The car manufacturer is developing technology for release in 2016 that can notify drivers when car parts need attention, it announced on Sunday as part of CES 2015. What's more, Chevy claims the notifications will arrive, in many cases, before the vehicle's performance is affected.

The technology monitors the battery, starter motor and fuel pump. Sensors in the car then send data to OnStar's servers, and algorithms calculate whether everything is running properly. If the system detects that something could interfere with the vehicle's performance, the customer is notified through email, text, in-vehicle alerts or via an app. Read more...

More about Cars, Driving, General Motors, Gm, and Chevrolet Source: Mashable Show Full Story