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And the Oscar for best name flub goes to ... Dick Poop


The 2015 Oscar nominations was a shitstorm this year.

While you were pressing snooze, Academy President Cheryl Boone Isaacs was announcing who has the prestigious honor of being nominated for an Oscar this year. And naturally, "Dick Poop" got a nod for his cinematography work on Mr. Turner

Call us all immature, but it livened up a pretty dull telecast. In other news, Twitter user Dusty Huskey is reporting "The Constipation Game" and "Intersmeller" nabbed Best Picture nominations

@Andy it's going to be a stinker if he loses.

— Surprise_Island (@Surprise_Island) January 15, 2015

More about Academy Awards, Watercooler, and Videos Source: Mashable Show Full Story