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5 podcasts that make history fun


History does not have to be boring, but it sure is easy to make it that way

For many students, history class was at the bottom of the barrel in terms of enjoyment. Not all history teachers deserve a bad wrap, but regurgitating the same lessons every year isn't conducive to inspiring students to learn.

Once you're past the whole forced learning aspect of life, you can finally educate yourself on the things you want to learn about, using the medium of your preference.

YouTube videos have changed the way we obtain information, whether it's learning how to fix a leaky faucet or how to make your own Slip N' Slide. But for on-the-go education, podcasts are the perfect way to kill some time during your commute and learn something interesting Read more...

More about Podcasts, Lists, Features, Education, and History Source: Mashable Show Full Story