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16 TV shows to keep you warm during the blizzard of 2015


Northeast-based readers: It is with great concern for your well being that we hope you are reading the following list of blizzard binge recommendations while in a warm and safe place from which you do not plan on moving for the next several hours

The rest of you: read this from anywhere you'd like; it's a free country.

Truly, the latest reboot of Mashable TV recommendations was gathered with our snowed-in countrymen in mind, which is to say that all the shows listed below meet the following requirements:

1. All of these shows have a reasonable amount — if not very few — episodes under their belts, so you can use your time at home wisely. (You'd have to be insane and prepare for failure if you attempted to watch every episode of Breaking Bad during one storm.) Read more...

More about Television, Entertainment, Tv, and Blizzard Of 2015 Source: Mashable Show Full Story