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11 tips to make your video interview run smoothly


You've landed the interview of your dreams. It's for a remote job that pays more than you ever thought you could make working part-time (or maybe it's for that international gig you've been daydreaming of). In short, you are over the moon!

But the interview is over Skype and you are petrified. Of course, you'll try to look natural and you'll rehearse what you should say. But what if there is a terrible echo? Is it okay to join the interview sitting in bed in your room? (Where else will you find a background that hides your messy apartment!?)

You've got this. Read on for a list of absolutely everything to do, from your tech setup to "designing your set," to making sure you look and sound fantastic on your video interview. Read more...

More about Skype, Video Interviews, Google Hangouts, Business, and Jobs Source: Mashable Show Full Story