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William Shatner isn't a big fan of Twitter's latest ad experiment


Twitter may have boldly gone too far.

William Shatner, the beloved actor and Priceline pitchman, took to Twitter on Monday night to complain that the social network had begun promoting accounts like MasterCard and IFC in his "following" lists (he hadn't followed either account). His tweets, first pointed out by Marketing Land , raised awareness for a strange new reality on Twitter: At this moment, it appears we're all "following" brands, whether we've chosen to or not

The concern, at least according to Shatner, is that Twitter is effectively using his personal social media real estate to promote another business that he may not personally endorse or, worse, a business that may compete with another company he works with. Read more...

More about Twitter, Ads, William Shatner, Business, and Advertising Source: Mashable Show Full Story