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Uber apologises for 'wrong decision' over Sydney siege price surging


Ride-sharing company Uber has issued a lengthy apology after introducing surge pricing during the Sydney siege, with the cost to leave the city skyrocketing to four times the normal fare.

The central business district of Sydney went into lockdown on Dec. 15 as a crazed gunman held 17 people hostage in the Lindt Cafe. Office workers were advised to leave the area if it was safe to do so. This caused Uber's automated surge pricing to kick in due to the high volume of requests for taxis out of the city, which the company initially attempted to justify in a tweet

We are all concerned with events in CBD. Fares have increased to encourage more drivers to come online & pick up passengers in the area.

— Uber Sydney (@Uber_Sydney) December 15, 2014

More about Australia, Uber, Apps Software, Us World, and Sydney Siege Source: Mashable Show Full Story