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Stop making selfish New Year's resolutions


Your New Year's resolutions are going to fail, and it's because you're only thinking of yourself.

At the end of every December, many of us come up with egocentric goals for the new year — losing weight, eating healthier and saving money are always among the most popular. They're worthy resolutions, sure, but only 8% of us actually keep them, so you start the year off feeling like a failure.

Don't get me wrong, bettering yourself should be something you keep in mind often, but don't stamp it with "RESOLUTION" at the beginning of the year. Adding that extra pressure is a recipe for serious disappointment — even the American Psychological Association warns us not to view the start of a new year as a "catalyst of sweeping character changes." Read more...

More about Charity, Features, Social Good, Philanthropy, and New Year S Resolutions Source: Mashable Show Full Story